A new weed identification website is now available from the University of Missouri Weed Science program. This website contains about 350 different plant species that could be encountered as a weed of field and horticultural crops, pastures, lawns, gardens, non-crop, or aquatic areas in Missouri and surrounding states. One of the newest features of the website is a keying system that allows users to identify an unknown plant after they have selected the appropriate characteristics from a series of drop-down boxes. Simply select grass or broadleaf weed from the home menu and give this keying system a try for yourself. Or, if you have some idea as to what your weed species might be, you can simply type all or part of the common or scientific name into the appropriate text box and the database will narrow down the possibilities for you. We hope you find this site useful and will send us any feedback that will help us to continue to improve this site in the future. Comments and questions pertaining to the site can be sent directly via e-mail to bradleyke@missouri.edu.
(by Kevin Bradley, MU Associated Professor)
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