Friday, November 16, 2012

Cattle Water Requirements

Water Requirements

Producers are running out of water, ponds being low, wells drying up, etc. The following table lists water require-ments for different classes of cattle at different temperatures and may be useful for planning purposes if you are facing a water shortage.

Gallons/Head/Day - Temperature, °F

Class               40°        60°         70°         80°         90°

600lb calf            5.3          6.6          7.8          8.9          12.7

Cow                      11.4       14.5       16.9       17.9       16.2

Dry cow               6.7          8.3          9.7          --            --


With the feed shortages that many producers are facing, we have been getting questions from producers that have not utilized condensed corn distillers solubles (syrup) before. This particular feedstuff is a by-product of the ethanol industry. It is a liquid feed and storage may be an issue for some. In general, it usually is high in fat, protein, and energy. It also tends to be high in sulfur and phosphorus. There are differences in the product depending on the plant where it was made so we encourage you to request a sample analysis when making purchasing comparisons. When feeding this product care must be taken to not exceed the tolerable level of fat and sulfur in the diet. Also, the calcium to phosphorus ratio must be balanced. Therefore, we do not recommend feeding this product free-choice. When used properly it can be an excellent supplement, especially for low quality forages. If you have questions about the best way to use this product, contact your local county extension livestock specialist.

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