of the premier conferences for fruit and vegetable growers will be held Jan.
10-12 in St. Joseph, according to Tim Baker, horticulture specialist for
University of Missouri Extension at Gallatin.
conference is open to everyone from backyard gardeners to commercial produce
growers. Topics will include vegetables, tree fruits, small fruits and flowers.
There are also presentations targeted toward organic growers.
2013 conference will include a record number of workshops to choose from,
covering topics such as high tunnels, soils and irrigation, fruits, honeybees,
introduction to vegetable production (in Spanish), and farm-to-school
Heldenbrand, a Daviess County beekeeper, will teach an introductory beekeeping
class on Friday.
A Thursday workshop on beekeeping will bring in several researchers and
beekeepers, including a retired state apiary inspector, a USDA bee research
station expert and an entomologist who will speak on colony collapse disorder.
Lowenfels, an international proponent of organic farming and gardening and
author of “Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food
Web,” will give the keynote address on “Why Don’t the Redwoods Ever Need
conference will be held on the campus of Missouri Western State University in
St. Joseph. For registration and program information, call the Buchanan County
MU Extension Center at 816-279-1691 or go to
(by Linda Geist, MU Senior Information Specialist)
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