$50 per person for the conference and farm tour
$30 per person for just the conference
$15 per person for each farm tour (2 tours total)
Conference - Monday, February 4
8:00 - 9:00 Registration/Trade show
9:00-10:30 The Ins & Outs of Winter
Production — structures, light, temperature & how 12-month farming
works — Adam Montri
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Lettuce in January? Yes & so
much more — using succession plantings to produce over a dozen different
products in our tunnels — Michael Kilpatrick
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Winter
production for beginners: a grower’s experience — Pov Huns
2:00-3:00 Breakout
sessions with the experts
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-4:30 Farming in
the Winter & Making Money Doing It — Overall & individual crop
profitability — Adam Montri
4:30-5:30 Movable
& fixed high tunnels: a grower’s experience — Dan Kuebler
Tuesday, February 5
7:30-9:00 Breakfast with
the trade show vendors
9:00-10:30 Filling the Table — How
we use season extension & root cellars to keep 30+ items on the table year
round — Michael Kilpatrick
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Winter vegetable growers panel
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 How We Average
$5,000 a Week in the Winter — marketing the winter farm through farmers
markets, CSA & other outlets - Michael Kilpatrick
2:00-5:00 Tour of Green’s
Greenhouse and Gardens
Adam Montri, Hoophouse Specialist, Michigan State University
Adam Montri works at Michigan State University as a hoophouse
specialist in the Department of Horticulture & with the Center for Regional
Food Systems. He provides technical assistance related to year-round
vegetable production including hoophouse structure options, construction
training, crop selection, scheduling, marketing, & economics. He
& his wife, Dru, & daughters, Alison & Lydia, own & operate Ten Hens Farm in Bath, MI where they farm 12 months of the year
& market their products through restaurants & a year-round
farmers market.
Michael Kilpatrick, Middle Granville, NY
Michael Kilpatrick has been farming since he was 16 years old,
when he & his brother decided to grow vegetables for the local farmers
market to make pocket money for the summer. Since then, the business has grown
to include over 100 acres of rented & leased land; sales at three
weekly summer & two weekly winter farmers' markets; summer
& winter CSAs with 275 & 150 shares, respectively;
year-round production in multiple high tunnels; a summer crew of seven & winter crew of three full time employees.
Pov Huns operates Huns Garden in Kansas City, Kansas. Featured at
the farm are a variety of vegetables, small fruits, & flowers. Pov is
a frequent guest speaker for the Great Plains Vegetable Conference, & has
conducted SARE-sponsored on-farm research.
Dan Kuebler has been growing organic produce since 1989 on his 30 acre farm,
The Salad Garden, in southern Boone County Missouri, & selling at local
farmers markets & restaurants in Columbia, MO. Presently the
farm has two unheated tall tunnels & one moveable tall tunnel which was
erected in October, 2010.
Conference Tour Site: Tim Green & his wife Vi,
owners of Green’s Greenhouse & Gardens near Galena, Kansas, began growing
for & selling at the Webb City Farmers Market in 2002, where they now sell
year-round. The farm specializes in vegetables, especially tomatoes,
& black berries & raspberries. Tim currently has two heated high
tunnels & a heated greenhouse & two large cold frames. Tim plans
to erect a third high tunnel this winter to grow raspberries.
Plus a panel
of winter producers from markets in Columbia, Springfield & Kansas City.
Also coming up:
March 11 - Spring Production Tour, Springfield,
Missouri area farms
October 21 - Fall Production Tour, Southwest
Missouri region farms
Food Safety: Field to Market Workshops
* February 27 - Springfield, MO. For more info & to register, contact Lane at 417
766-8711* March 15 - Mountain Grove, MO. For more info & to register, contact Pam at 417-547-7533
*· Fall 2013 Date TBA, Webb City, MO. For more info & to register, contact Eileen at 417 483-8139
Questions? Call Eileen at 417 483-8139.
The Winter Vegetable Production Project is sponsored by The Webb
City Farmers Market, University of Missouri Extension, Lincoln University
Extension, & Missouri State University
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