hear beef producers talk about tight margins involved in practices like
vaccinating, deworming, implanting, supplement feeding, fly control and a few
others,” said Cole. “But the way the cattle price situation is now this year
could be the time to perform some of the practices you’ve backed away from in the
says profit margins are projected to be at record levels this year and likely
next year for all classes of cattle. That means this could be the year to
experiment a little with a herd.
the years, I’ve stressed the importance of improving the genetics in our
cattle. We’ve made progress but
improvement can be made to practices that allow those genetics to be
expressed,” said Cole. “So when management practices may not have appeared to
be economically sound in the past, this year appears to be when these practices
will pencil out.”
is a good time to inventory various management items used in the past. Some
items are additive and may result in significant improvement in rate of gain,
for example.
use of growth promoting implants, along with feeding an ionophore are examples
if you’re a stocker operator,” said Cole. “Just remember, you can’t force an
animal to perform better than their genetic makeup allows.”
says it is still important to compare the cost/benefit side of the equation.
But with prices going up, producers can afford to try a new practice or two
recommend visiting with your veterinarian, feed dealer and extension livestock
specialist to assess what you might do this year to make a good year, even
better. You may even decide to put a few
steers in a feedout program which can evaluate your herd’s genetic merit beyond
the weaned calf stage,” said Cole.
(by David Burton, MU Writer)
(Photo courtesy of MO Dept of Ag)
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