Please help us understand your fruit and vegetable
production by answering the following questions. Your responses are
confidential. Survey responses will not be reported or identified individually
but will be combined with all responses and reported in aggregate. The survey
will be available for only 2 weeks, so your input is greatly appreciated.
The purposes of the survey are to:
(1) learn about the
diverse farming practices used in the state to produce fruits and vegetables
(2) determine what are the biggest challenges faced by farmers in their
production systems
(3) identify the most significant pests that can cause
economic damage in the various production systems
(4) learn about farmer’s
use of IPM, IPM needs, and ways in which farmers prefer to receive IPM
information from extension and research personnel.
If you have questions about the survey, please direct
them to Jaime Pinero at 573-681-5522.
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