Looking for ideas on what to do on your farm? Then head out to the 22nd National Small Farm Trade Show and Conference on October 23-25, 2014 in Mexico MO.
Ideas and information on income opportunities for the family farm will be presented in seminars and short courses. Both traditional and alternative farm enterprises are covered for full- and part-time farmers, ranchers, gardeners and landowners. It is a perfect opportunity to visit one- on-one with the exhibitors and other small acreage owners.
Three hour Short Courses include vermiculture, mob grazing, biochar and farm systems. One hour Seminars are on vermicomposting, biochar, cover crops, aquaculture, poultry, soil health, hogs, invasive plants, and marketing. The Farmers’ Round-Table Discussion topics include farmers’ markets, beef cattle, small-scale aquaponics, alternative poultry, grants, hair sheep, and bees.
The cost of this conference is $8/1 day, $12/2 days, $15/3 days (by Oct. 10) or $10/1 day, $15/2 days, $20/3 days after that date and at the door. An additional charge for Short Courses: $25 each (by Oct. 10) or $35 each after that date or at the door. Note: Short Course fees do not include admission.
For additional information call 573.687.3525 or go to the website.
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