Choose from 19 one-hour seminars at the show. Don't miss the Financial Technical Opportunities for Your Farm seminar on Nov. 4 by Lauren Cartwright, NRCS Agricultural Economist, or the Improved Egg Quality seminar on Nov. 5 by Kelly Klober, poultry producer and NCR-SARE grant recipient.
Six short courses give you the opportunity to get in-depth information on topics ranging from sweet potato production to building a parasite resistant sheep flock. Attend a movable high tunnel demonstration offsite in Ashland, MO.
The National Small Farm Trade Show & Conference is sponsored by Small Farm Today and sustained by Missouri Department of Agriculture, NCAT-ATTRA, SARE (USDA-NIFA), Lincoln University and Truman State University.
Show times are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Preregistration is $8 for 1 day, $12 for 2 days, or $15 for all 3 days, allowing attendance of the trade show, seminars, demonstrations, exhibits, shows, meetings, and Farmer's Forum. Three-hour short courses are an additional $35 each ($25 in advance before October 27). To register, call Small Farm Today at 800-633-2535, or go to National Small Farm Show for more information.
I was at this expo, they have some excellent trade show booths. I'd recommend it to anyone.