Even though this is
directed to Illinois specifically, it brings to light thoughts and concepts on
what you as Missouri farmers should find answers for as well.
Illinois Stewardship Alliance (ISA) just
released a legal guide for farmers wanting to sell directly to consumers,
restaurants and others. The guide is intended to be an introduction to the
legal framework surrounding agriculture for beginning and current farmers who
are interested in being part of the fastest growing sector of their industry –
direct farm marketing of vegetables, fruits, meats and other products. Specific
to Illinois, the guide is a handy reference on topics like taxing, zoning,
liability insurance, cottage food laws, and regulations that pertain to
specific foods.
Illinois Stewardship Alliance first published a legal guide for
farmers interested in direct farm marketing in 2003. Changes to the laws and
rules regarding food, such as the passage of the Cottage Food Act, compost
reform, and federal Food Safety Modernization Act, demanded an update. “The
University of Illinois Extension provided publication assistance for the guide.
The new guide can
be accessed at ISA's website under the resource section or by clicking here.
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