tree pruning -
Friday, March 1st at 4 pm
Details: The
following fully developed fruit trees will be featured ½ side fully pruned, the
other side not pruned - apple (1), plum (2), and pear (2). Pruning of a 2 year
old peach, 5 year old peach and a 7 year old apple tree will also be reviewed.
Application of dormant oil will be discussed and other pest control tactics in
the dormant season. Site selection, propagation material and planting
preparation will be reviewed. At least one new tree will be planted (cherry and
peach). Bring a hand pruners to try pruning yourself & dress accordingly.
and organic fruit gardening
- Friday, March 15th at 4 to 6:30 pm
Details: Pruning
of raspberries, blueberries, blackberries & grapes. Winter mulch removal of
a strawberry planting. Uncovering of fig from winter protection. Site selection of paw paw trees and a zone 7
persimmon tree; including minor pruning of the latter. Site selection and planting of more
gooseberries, received by mail order, which will be removed from its shipping
container and planted. Pest control will be reviewed with a discussion of how
to cultivate these organically. Bring a hand pruners to try pruning yourself
& dress accordingly. A leprechaun will reveal a mystery fruit crop and
plant it.
and insect pest control of fruit plantings - Friday, April 5th at 4 pm
Details: Several
sprayer models will be discussed and demonstrated. Fungicide and bactericide
products will be reviewed, with emphasis on their varying effectiveness on the
different diseases. The insecticides available to homeowners and the critical
time for applying will be covered. Emphasis will be on fruit trees and grapes.
Organic pesticides will not be addressed, as they will be reviewed in the berry
session. Fruit thinning of peaches and apples will be demonstrated (if
possible) or discussed. Dress accordingly.
A Mid
Summer Fruit Review
- Wednesday, June 26th at 4 pm
Details: A walk around the garden will feature fruit
development or success with crop (e.g. strawberries), disease symptoms and
insect damage, control (or lack of) of diseases and insect pests, grape skirt
pruning, strawberry renovation, etc. There will be NO snacks or refreshments
provided for this class…..but we hope to eat some fruit (e.g. raspberries).
– the workshops will take place at 719 West Broadway, Columbia. Class size is limited to 25 and
preregistration with payment is required.
Handouts that include some MU
Publications will be provided. If you register for the 3 class series a
complimentary copy of the booklet ’Midwest Home Fruit Production Guide’ (a
$20 value) will be included. Complimentary
snack & beverage is included.
Cost: $25 per class. All classes are 2 hours (unless otherwise
noted). Check payable to: University of MO Extension
Council and mail to 1012 North Hwy UU, Columbia, MO 65203.
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