Interested in Season Extension? High Tunnels are a cost effective way for small/beginning farmers to extend their growing season and increase revenue. The purpose of this hands‐on workshop is to supply interested individuals with the practical knowledge needed to install their own high tunnels and enjoy the benefits of season extension.
This workshop will be led by:
Patrick Byers,
University of Missouri Extension
Bishop, Lincoln University 2501 Program Educator
A $25 registration fee will be charged to help cover the cost of beverages, snacks, lunches, and educational materials. Please direct questions to Shon Bishop at (417) 846‐3948.
Pre‐registration is required by Friday March 1st with registration fee of $25. Class size will be restricted to 20 participants. Make checks payable to University of Missouri Extension and mail to Lorri Winters, 2400 S. Scenic, Springfield, MO 65807.
The Southwest Center is located at 14548 Hwy
H, Mt. Vernon, MO. 65712
East bound I‐44
Take exit 38
West bound I‐44
Take exit 44
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