gave the windiest start of the year to Missouri in almost 30 years. Wind puts
the chill in wind chill.
who think winds are chillier than usual are right,” says Pat Guinan, state
climatologist, University of Missouri Extension. The cold and wind continues
into February.
the winds accompanying frequent fast-moving fronts, the wind chills regularly
drop to minus 10-30 degrees.
polar jet stream set up from northwest to southeast across the state. That let
several Arctic cold fronts barrel through the region.
fronts brought reinforcing shots of frigid air,” Guinan says.
mark of cold weather is when the daily high temperature doesn’t rise above zero
degrees. That happened often across northern and central Missouri. That hadn’t
happened since December 1989, he adds.
are driven by differential between high-pressure and low-pressure areas. The
Arctic cold fronts bring lower air pressures with them. Then the following
high-pressure zones behind the fronts rush to fill the lows. The gradient
between the two determines wind velocity.
differential is like when you push the valve on an inflated tire,” Guinan says.
“The energy gushes from high pressure to low pressure.” The colder the air, the
higher the density and the greater the air pressure.
winter, the polar jet dipped more often and deeper into the United States than
usual,” he says.
unusual was that the cold fronts lacked moisture this winter, Guinan says. They
delivered less than normal water despite deep snows in parts of southern and
east-central Missouri. The snow in early February across the north was light
and fluffy.
Gulf of Mexico air has been blocked from encountering the cold fronts, which
normally trigger precipitation. With few exceptions, the snow came from Pacific
moisture brought in on the jet stream.
cold winds and snow make hay feeding an almost daily challenge for farmers,
says Rob Kallenbach, MU Extension forage specialist. Cold and wind increase
nutritional demands for body maintenance.
in spring-calving herds should be gaining body weight. That includes the developing
calf, but also a deposit of body fat that will supply milk for the newborn
farmers find they must feed twice the usual bales of hay. To maintain cows’
body condition, farmers are feeding supplemental grain rations.
crop and forage farmers, an ominous sign is lack of soil moisture. The dry
condition has been building since last summer. Snow did not mitigate that
long-term trend toward dryness in most of northern and central Missouri, Guinan
National Drought Monitor for January shows “abnormally dry” to “moderate
drought’ across the northern half of Missouri.
with the MU Extension Commercial Agriculture Program, maintains a system of
automated weather stations across the state.
(By Duane Daily, MU Writer)
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