Site 1: Registration / Hydroponic Sprouting - Chris Boeckmann, Organic Production Manager
This demonstration of hydroponic sprouting of
ryegrass and oats will explain
the methods used for this process. Additionally, we will talk
about the
potential applications of hydroponic sprouting and their feasibility for Missouri
goat, sheep and cattle producers.Site 2: Silvopasture - Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, State Extension Specialist, Small Ruminants
The Small Ruminant Program received a Capacity Building Grant from USDA- NIFA in 2011. The focus of the grant is the eradication and control of invasive vegetation while creating a silvopasture in a Missouri Woodland. This project will serve as a demonstration site for extension programs as well as outdoor classroom teaching and research. Dr. Charlotte's team will be discussing the data collected after one year, the positive impact seen so far, and demonstrating different fencing options.
Site 3: Composting - Hwei-Yiing Johnson, State Extension Specialist, Plant Science
The Lincoln University Composting Program will showcase various composting technologies, such as aerobic composting, vermi-composting, and Effective Microbes (EM). The vermi-composting system uses solar energy for winter heating. Additionally, we will demonstrate the use of compost as an organic soil amendment in support of the green roof and green wall, rain garden, and native landscaping areas.
Site 4: Native Plants - Nadia Navarrete-Tindal, State Extension Specialist, Native Plants
Learn about native plants in woodlands and prairies. Tour the woodlands restoration area and prairie development. Learn about FINCA gardens and view the many native plants.
Site 5: Organic Blueberries - Patrick Byers, University of Missouri Extension Horticulture Specialist
Blueberries are a fruit crop with huge commercial
potential, as well as an excellent fruit crop for home fruit production. Patrick Byers has worked with blueberry research and outreach education for the past 30 years. His presentation
will address the basics of blueberry production in Missouri with
emphasis on cultivar selection, site preparation, production practices, and marketing.
Site 6:
Solar-Powered Irrigation and Livestock Watering System - Scott Williams, Missouri Solar Applications and Vic Rackers, LU Professional Engineer
The 2-acre reservoir provides water for the orchard and pastures using a solar- powered pump and extensive piping system.
The system is a vital component of the Busby Farm’s integrated farming operation.
Site 7: Integrated Pest Management including Trap Cropping and Cover Crops - Jaime Pinero, State Extension Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Specialist
Oganic research is being conducted by the Lincoln University
(LU) IPM program with the goal of improving organic farming systems in the context of pest management. At this field day, Dr. Piñero and Jacob Wilson, Extension IPM Associate, will demonstrate
the trap cropping approach is a simple, effective, and affordable organic management
option for squash bugs and cucumber
beetles in cucurbit crops. Our research
indicates that trap cropping can become a widely used management
tool against these insects, which cause devastating losses to vegetable farmers on an annual basis. Piñero and
Wilson will also discuss organic management options for the Japanese beetle, including
findings from our own research
aimed at developing
a push-pull strategy that includes mass trapping as a major component.
Site 8: Mulit-Species Grazing - James Caldwell, Assistant Professor
Grazing with multiple species of animals may improve performance
of one or both species. However, this
has not been evaluated with
hair sheep and cattle
while grazing stockpiled toxic tall fescue. During this field day, we will discuss performance
data from Katahdin hair sheep and fall-calving cows grazing stockpiled toxic tall fescue and managed using either: 1) lead-follow grazing
method (sheep in front of cows) or 2) fall-calving
cows and sheep grazing together. Also, we will talk about available forage and forage utilization from the two management methods mentioned above.
While discussing
performance and forage data we will be conducting a pasture walk, at which
time participants will be encourage to ask
Site 9: Informational Booths and Displays
These educational and informational displays will offer ideas and resources to producers and growers. State agencies, environmental groups and several
Lincoln University programs will be there to answer questions and provide
information to help producers and growers develop a successful operation.
Directions to Busby Research Farm - From Jefferson City take Highway 54 West towards Lake of the Ozarks. Proceed approximately 5 miles and turn left onto Goller Road. The farm entrance is located .1 mile from Highway 54. Turn right and proceed down the lane to the main building.
Directions to Busby Research Farm - From Jefferson City take Highway 54 West towards Lake of the Ozarks. Proceed approximately 5 miles and turn left onto Goller Road. The farm entrance is located .1 mile from Highway 54. Turn right and proceed down the lane to the main building.
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