A webinar on
Marketing Your Products: Turning Samples into Sales will be held January 20th
at 11 am. You will learn how to choose
which products to sample, how to control costs in sampling, and generally how
to make the most of sampling. Lorin Fahrmeier, with Fahrmeier Farms in Lexington MO, whose family sells a large
amount of produce and other products through their farm stand and at farmers markets
will provide insight from her extensive personal experience on how to
turn sampling into sales. Londa Nwadike, MU Extension Food and Nutrition Specialist, will also present some practical ideas on how to do
sampling safely and also meet regulatory requirements.
To join the webinar:
Go to https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/womeninag about 10 minutes prior to the start time. Click
on "Enter as a Guest" and type your name in the space provided, then
click on "Enter Room." For best results, we suggest you use Firefox
or Internet Explorer as your web browser. Prior to participating in this Adobe
Connect event, please go to the following URL to confirm ability to log on to
the Connect server: www.extension.iastate.edu/testconnect
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