Monday, April 26, 2010

Color Adds Appeal to Marketing

While at the Columbia Farmers' Market I was intrigued by the variety of radishes one of the vendors had displayed. What really caught my attention was the vast array of the many different varieties and how the vendor had them on display.  One of the varieties was yellowish-brown in color.  I had never seen this particular variety before.

The display had the radishes bundled together with a rubberband at the leaves. They were then placed on the table so the bulbs were face up so you could easily see each of the variety of colors.  Each variety was then placed in rows.  The placement of the colors is what caught my eye and drew me to this vendor's booth. 

When placing items for sale at a farmers' market always look at how you can create eye appeal with color.  This vendor not only had color but she also had multiple varieties of the same crop and a couple of varieties that were uncommon.

The five different varieties from right to left:  1. Longu Red - elongated red shape with white ends; 2. Cherry Belle - solid red globe (deeper red color); 3. Purple Plum - solid red globe (lighter red color); 4. Hailstone (also called White Globe) - solid white globe; 5. Helios - yellow globe.  To find these varieties and a few others including a black radish check out Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

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