are plastic-covered structures, such as high tunnels and low tunnels that can
provide protection and increase productivity for specialty crops, such as
fruits, vegetables, herbs, or flowers. However, as Growing Under Cover
explains, “plastic covered tunnels are no silver-bullet solution. They may
require significant financial investment, be labor intensive to manage, and
risk damage or destruction from extreme weather such as high winds, heavy snow,
or hail.”
Under Cover provides practical information and resources to assist growers in
Kansas, or similar climates, aiming to avoid common mistakes and tunnel
disaster, and to maximize return on investment from polytunnel purchases.
Though the guide highlights several benefits and demonstrates clear potential
for polytunnels in areas like Kansas, it gives even more focused attention to
the unique challenges these structures face in Kansas’s harsh climate. For
every challenge named (high winds, for example), several potential solutions
are offered.
of the information in Growing Under Cover comes directly from farmers themselves.
The guide heavily references information gleaned from sixty experienced Kansas
high tunnel producers who responded to the Kansas Rural Center’s High Tunnel
Survey in 2014. Surveyed growers answered 35 tunnel-related questions,
including “What advice would you give to someone interested is purchasing a
high tunnel?” and “What, if anything, would you do differently during future
high tunnel construction?”
of advice come in the form of numerous quotes from Kansas growers with years of
experience integrating polytunnels into their productions systems. One farmer advises: “I think that the more
research one does before investing in a tunnel the better. I feel my investment
has not been fully utilized. The tunnel can become a burden when not properly
managed. I think scrupulous guidance would be helpful. Asking the difficult
questions would have given me a more realistic look at what it means to own and
operate a specialty crop operation with a tunnel.”
GrowingUnder Cover: A Guide to Polytunnel Options for Kansas Growers is available free at Kansas Rural Center webpage.
This guide was produced as part of KRC’s Tunnel to Table Program, made possible
through funding from Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Block
Grant and Farm Aid.
Kansas Rural Center is a non-profit organization that since 1979 has promoted
the long-term health of the land and its people through research, education,
and advocacy that advances economically viable, ecologically sound, and
socially just food and farming systems. More information about the Kansas Rural
Center and its work is available at www.kansasruralcenter.org.
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